Whatever content you borrow must be clearly documented both in the body of your text and in a works cited or references page (the different terms reflect different documentation systems, not just random preference) at the end. Human values, and human life, are far more important than monetary values and financial gain. The third helpful way to bring your companys unethical practices to the surface is to remain open to others ideas. On the other hand, putting a minor point in a prominent spot (say the first item in a bulleted list in a reports executive summary) might be a manipulative strategy to emphasize information that is not terribly important. Exercise 1 - Familiarize yourself with instruction manuals. With Whatfix, technical writers create on-screen guides, pop-up prompts, tooltips, chatbots, in-app knowledge bases, and more to inform users how to use your product. for only $13.00 $11.05/page. Are the sources popular or scholarly? Falsifying one report will make it that much more likely the subsequent reports will be falsified, just as neglecting to properly cite one source at the end of a report only makes it more tempting to neglect citing the remainder of the sources. The following area few examples of when technically written documents are used: Technical reports. The candidate represented by the green slice labeled Item C, might think that she had received more donations than the candidate represented in the blue Item A slice.
If using someone elses property affected the market for the copyrighted work. Here are several examples of unethical communication. Liability and contractlaws can vary by country. You collect a handful of sources that support the groups goal, but then you discover medical evidence that indicates vaccines do more good than potential harm in society. Thorough research requires that a writer integrates information from a variety of reliable sources.
As a guideline, ask yourself what would happen if your action (or non-action) became entirely public, and started trending on social media, got its own hashtag, and became a meme picked up by the national media. An implied warranty can be reasonably inferred by the purchaser. For example, if you take an item that would cost money to buy and copy it for other people, you are affecting the market for that product since the people you give it to will now not have to purchase it themselves. This includes scholarly and professional research, not just from a single database or journal, for instance, but from a variety. It is difficult to deal with unethical practices when they surface in the workplace. To promote their cloud-based workspace product and explain how it works, Citrix Systems shares a handful of different business use cases using clear, persuasive language.
A simple example of bullying is giving another child constant put-downs at school. You should be aware of the code of ethics for physical therapists so that you work within those principles as you research and write your report. What kinds of support material and sources are ethical to use? The chapter provides some practical information on how to make sure your writing is ethical and how to handle ethical dilemmas along with possible legal issues in the workplace. They provide data in a concentrated form, often illustrating key facts, statistics or information from the text of the report. Technical Writing, by Allison Gross, Annamarie Hamlin, Billy Merck, Chris Rubio, Jodi Naas, Megan Savage and Michele DiSilva, licensed CC-BY-NC-SA. While the company may be following the law, it is clear they could dispose of their waste more safely and be more responsible stewards of the neighborhood. Often in technical writing, the underlying principle is already well-documented (maybe even common knowledge for your audience) and the point SHOULD be to use that underlying principle to propose a specific application. Using a large section of your report to prove an already established principle implies that you are saying something new about the principlewhich is not true. In day-to-day life, most people have a sort of sliding scale of what constitutes ethical behavior; they might tell a direct lie on trivial matters if being strictly honest will hurt someones feelings. Ask questions about who their decisions are affecting and why they are making those decisions. Good question. 2023 Central New Mexico Community College, by Allison Gross, Annemarie Hamlin, Billy Merck, Chris Rubio, Jodi Naas, Megan Savage, and Michele DeSilva is licensed under, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, A classic example of unethical technical writing is the memo report NASA engineers wrote about the problem with O ring seals on the space shuttle Challenger (see, The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster: A Study in Organizational Ethics. Research shows bringing in an outside expert, someone who is unfamiliar with the company and the stakeholders, has the potential to impact the greatest change. You struggle with whether to leave this information out of your report, thereby encouraging your employer to pursue an action that is not the most productive. The visual below shows two perspectives of information in a pie chart. ). Even more common is an ethics violation resulting from the person who is designing the information seeing it as evidence for whatever s/he understands as true and honestly not recognizing the bias in how s/he has presented that information. WebA classic example of unethical technical writing is the memo report NASA engineers wrote about the problem with O-ring seals on the space shuttle Challenger. See the Attributions at the end of each chapter.). Webnancy spies haberman kushner. Collecting information from multiple brokers would demonstrate thorough and unbiased research. In a technical report that contains research, a writer might discover conflicting data which does not support the projects goal. Legal. Using a variety of sources helps the writer avoid potential bias that can occur from relying on only a few experts. One of the main reasons a company gets involved in a lawsuit is because the directions to the companys product were not clear to the consumer. Most stereotyping takes place subconsciously now since workplaces are careful to not openly discriminate. Now I just need some evidence to prove I am right!. Many organizations and employers have a corporate code of ethics. If you fail to take careful notes, or the sentence is present in your writing but later fails to get accurate attribution, it can have a negative impact on you and your organization. Professional documents can serve as evidence in disputes over contracts and in product liability lawsuits. For example, if you witnessed a stranger attacking someone you do not know on a crowded street, you may be afraid to interfere because you could be injured in the event. Collecting information from multiple brokers would demonstrate thorough and unbiased research. While plagiarizing may give you a failing grade in a class, plagiarizing in the workplace can get you fired, and could result in a costly lawsuit or possibly even jail time. examples of unethical technical writing (Full disclosure: this online textbook incorporates material shared under a Creative Commons license. Also, although not required by law, it is a good idea to cite sources from inside your own company as well. The unethical feature was that the crucial information about the O-rings was buried in a middle paragraph, while information approving the launch was in prominent beginning and ending spots. That means a technical writer must consciously identify their biases and check to see if a bias has influenced any presentation: whether in charts and graphs, or in discussions of the evidence, or in source use (or, of course, in putting the crucial O-ring information where the launch decision makers would realize it was important). The visual below shows two perspectives of information in a pie chart. Visuals can be useful for communicating data and information efficiently for a reader.
Technical writing is only useful if it can be understood, and a large part of how we write is regulated with that in mind. These sources should demonstrate that the writer has examined the topic from as many angles as possible. That means if you are borrowing a good idea from a friend at another company, you must cite them as a source. You collect a handful of sources that support the groups goal, but then you discover medical evidence that indicates vaccines do more good than potential harm in society. You would not want someone else taking credit for your ideas. Often in technical writing, the underlying principle is already well-documented (maybe even common knowledge for your audience) and the point should be to use that underlying principle to propose a specific application. 086 079 7114 [email protected]. 2 Misleading and regular bar graphs. Presumably, the engineers were trying to present a full report, including safe components in the Challenger, but the memos audiencenon-technical managersmistakenly believed the O-ring problem to be inconsequential, even if it happened. Many ethical lapses that occur in the workplace are not so obvious, and they often begin with good intentions for example, a manager or owner of a business may commit financial fraud to avoid laying off employees. Internalizing your ethics in such a manner will certainly make you a more ethical writer. The way a writer presents information in a document can affect a readers understanding of the relative weight or seriousness of that information. When you can communicate clearly and effectively, and when it is your task to help others to
If the bar graph above were to represent sales figures for a company, the representation on the left would look like good news: dramatically increased sales over a five-year period. If you use graphics (or anything at all) in an assignment that you did not create, you need to indicate as much. Thus, a simple change in perspective can change the impact of an image. There are a few issues that may come up when researching a topic for the business or technical world that a writer must consider. . Ethical behavior, including ethical technical communication, involves not just telling the truth and providing accurate information, but telling the truth and providing information so that a reasonable audience knows the truth. Properly cite your images by providing credit to the original creator of the image with full citations. What was it used for? In fact, if you can easily find 94 high-quality sources that confirm you are correct, you might want to consider whether your idea is worth developing. You collect a handful of sources that support the groups goal, but then you discover convincing medical evidence that indicates vaccines do more good than potential harm in society. Patents and trademarksare company names (WalMart), logos (the Target bullseye), processes or slogans (McDonalds Im lovin it) that belong to a person or company. In this case, your commitment to loyalty might outweigh your sense of self-preservation.
Then you can apply the information from your source(s) to your specific task or proposal. There are a number of reasons why a company may face a lawsuit or a recall. Presenting data in graphical form can be especially challenging. Documentation should prepare readers to safely use the product. Only the copyright holder, the person/organization who owns the protected item, can copy it. More information regarding specific Creative Commons licenses can be accessed on the Creative Commons website. In a more serious situation, a person might not choose to die to save a strangers life, but she might risk dying to save her childrens lives. Is the risk of future health problems more serious than the certainty of immediately destroying your town? This will allow you to voice your thoughts without putting you on the spot for being the bad guy. Thanks to Eleanor Sumpter-Latham, Humanities/Writing Professor at Central Oregon Community College for contributing to this chapter. These are important aspects of technical writing, to be sure, but they only represent the surface of what you need to know. quotations from experts B. emotional appeals C. examples and facts D. statistics. A writer must consider a variety of issues that may arise when researching a topic for the business or technical world. While this may seem easy to read about, when the pressure is on and there are deadlines to meet, taking shortcuts and stretching the truth become ever more tempting. The candidate represented by the green slice labeled Item C, might think that she had received more donations than the candidate represented in the blue Item A slice. Many organizations and employers have a corporate code of ethics. The position of information in this document did not help them understand that the problem could be fatal. What advice does a trusted supervisor or mentor offer? It would also be unethical to falsify the nature of the source, such as omitting the number of pages in the works cited entry to make a brief note seem to be a full article. You need to be extra vigilant to avoid misleading your readers with graphics. A brief mention (Research conducted at major research universities over the last ten years (see literature review, Smith and Tang, 2010) establishes that. A chemical company dumps pollutants into the water supply rather than cleaning up the
You cannot just slap a URL under a picture, but rather you need to give full credit with an appropriate citation. To avoid safety recalls, companies need to make sure they consider every possible danger involved with a product. Unlike personal or academic writing, technical and professional writing can be used to evaluate your job performance and can have implications that a writer may or may not have considered. For example, you might tell your best friend their new haircut looks attractive when in fact you believe that it does not. Look for the codes of ethics in your own discipline and begin to read and understand what will be expected of you as a professional in your field. Using a large section of your report to prove an already established principle implies that you are saying something new about the principlewhich is not true. For example, you might not tell a stranger that he was trailing toilet paper from his left heel, but you would tell a friend. What does this treatment of space add to the work? Can email communications be used without permission? Close with a signature. These sources should demonstrate that the writer has examined the topic from as many angles as possible. The following is a short overview of the different aspects of using appropriate language. . Only by learning who these stakeholders are can you assure that you are treating them in accordance with your own ethical values. It is not only ethical to follow these rules, it is an enforced law. Hey, I have this great new idea that will solve world hunger, cure cancer, and make mascara really waterproof. Even more common is an ethics violation resulting from individuals who are honestly unaware of their own biased viewpoints and therefore unable to recognize the bias in how they have presented information. Like other professionals, technical writers come up against ethical issues regularly and must make decisions about how to move forward with a project in the face of ethical dilemmas. 1.2 Cultural Diversity and Technical Communication, 2.4 Adapt Your Writing to Meet Your Audiences Needs, 4.7 Ethics, Plagiarism, and Reliable Sources, 5.9 Cross-Cultural Audience Considerations, 5.10 Additional Document Design Resources, 7.6 Sample Student Job Packet (see proper student attribution), 8.9 Activity Sample Technical Instructions Analysis, 9.8 Proposal Example (Internal, Solicited, Unknown Solution), 10.5 Creating Interview and Survey Questions, 11.6 Revision Checklist for Analytical Reports, 11.9 Sub-genre: Internship and Co-op Reports, Driving Motor with an Ultrasonic Sensor: An Arduino Project, How to Create a PID DC Motor Position Controller, Technical and Professional Writing Genres, http://www.stc.org/about-stc/ethical-principles, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias, https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/licensing-types-examples/, The United States Patent and Trademark Office, https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html, from the intended or unintended but reasonably foreseeable use of its products., https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.productliabilityprevention.com/images/6-LegallyAdequateWarningLabelsAConundrumforEveryManufacturer.pdf&sa=D&ust=1553803200010000, https://corporate.findlaw.com/litigation-disputes/international-product-liability-laws.html, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Look for the codes of ethics in your own discipline and begin to read and understand what will be expected of you as a professional in your field. Moreover, when your writing is authentically yours, your audience will catch your enthusiasm, and you will feel more confident in the material you produce. In fact, if we look at the same data in a differently oriented chart, we can see that Item C represents less than half of the donations than those for Item A. How a writer presents information in a document can affect a readers understanding of the relative weight or seriousness of that information. The main point is clear. However, sometimes speaking up, and/or notifying authorities is the only right thing to do, as difficult as that may be. The rewards of acting ethically are often simply internal. That is another reason why it is important to give some serious thought to your own value system and how it may fit into the value systems of the exemplars your admire and respect. Research shows bringing in an outside expert, someone who is unfamiliar with the company
What do you notice about their presentation? There are different templates and structures for user manuals, case In the former case, if you valued physical courage above all else, you might be willing to step into a fight to protect a victim. The material was edited for tone, content, and localization. What are the specific aspects of this dilemma that make you uncomfortable? For example, your small company continues to have problems with employee morale. Hey, I have this great new idea that will solve world hunger, cure cancer, and make mascara really waterproof. Are the methods and arguments used based on solid reasoning and sound evidence? ENGL 145 Technical and Report Writing,by the Bay College Online Learning Department, licensed CC-BY. How a writer presents information in a document can affect a readers understanding of the relative weight or seriousness of that information. Was it taken from something published or unpublished? 9.3 Typical Ethics Issues in Technical Writing, ENG 1210 Technical Writing Table of Contents. It is easiest to first start asking questions. Authors of technical documents typically do not have the time or space to belabor well-known points or common-sense data because readers do not need to read page upon page of something they already know or something that can be proved in a sentence of two. It could be something as simple (albeit pernicious) as harassment, or it could be something as large as major fraud. In practice, though, most folks are primarily looking for support. WebUnderstanding Ethical Guidelines for Writing. Legality. The bar graph on the right, on the other hand, shows the complete picture by presenting numbers from 0-1200 on the vertical axis, and we see that the sales figures have in fact been relatively stable for the past five years. Unethical source use includes suppressing information about how you have used a source, such as not making clear that graphical information in your report was already a graph in your source, as opposed to a graph you created based on information in the source material. The companies have other potential options as well that may encourage and promote ethical Some may be simple and straightforward, some may be difficult and involve questionable objectives. Many problems in documenting sources occur because the writer is missing the point of source use. Therefore, warnings should stand out from the rest of the documents, possibly with icons, colored fonts, or bolding. A company uses a to show something is trademarked or an for something registered with the U.S Patent and Trademark Office. (https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html) The tests can help you understand your proclivities and subconscious biases. This is particularly helpful for written materials that will be professionally published. Learn about unethical business practices with an overview, behaviors, and examples. First, find out if the item can be used. Are the methods and arguments based on solid reasoning and sound evidence? When a company is involved in a lawsuit or a recall, the company has to consider the consequences that these issues will have on their business and needs to consider the costs of repairing the companys reputation. These types of unethical statements communicate character assassinations, prejudicial language, or slander. Anyone with a Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok account can post whatever they want without any consequences. These sources should demonstrate that the writer has examined the topic from as many angles as possible. The following website contains several examples of open-source instruction manuals. On the other hand, if you can easily find 94 high-quality sources that confirm you are correct, you might want to consider whether your idea is worth developing. On a smaller scale, if one way of presenting evidence requires some manipulation of data but seems to be the only way of keeping sales strong enough for your company to survive, what should you do? Many products are recalled for potential safety concerns, even if no one was actually hurt. How much can a writer adapt to an audience without compromising his personal viewpoints? The candidate represented by the green slice labeled Item C, might think that she had received more donations than the candidate represented in the blue Item A slice. However, that would cost the company more money, and may affect profit margins, result in slower growth, and provide fewer jobs for the locals. When writers present information visually, however, they have to be careful not to misrepresent or misreport the complete picture. That means a technical writer must consciously identify his/her biases and check to see if a bias has influenced any presentation: whether in charts and graphs, or in discussions of the evidence, or in source use (or, of course, in putting the crucial O ring information where the launch decision makers would realize it was important). Presumably, the engineers were trying to present a full report, including safety components in the Challenger, but the memos audiencenon-technical managersmistakenly believed the O ring problem to be inconsequential, even if a leak happened. Skim through the manual to familiarize yourself with its content and design. For example, lets say you are writing a report for a group of physical therapists on the latest techniques for rehabilitating knee surgery patients. WebThe journals include: Technical Communication Quarterly, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication; Journal of Business and Technical Communication; English for Specific Purposes; and Issues in Writing. There is a good chance that at some point in your career you will find yourself in a situation that involves unethical behavior at your workplace. Remember, you must clearly distinguish between your ideas and borrowed material; and you must use borrowed material primarily as evidence for your own, directly stated ideas. You discover, however, that to bring in such an expert is cost prohibitive. Technical Report: Communication process and product from a technical perspective: 6. Keep in mind the importance of providing appropriate context and perspective as you prepare your graphics. 1. Imagine you are researching a report for a parents group that wants to change the policy in the local school district requiring all students to be vaccinated. Make sure you identify possible values of others when considering possible solutions. The Therefore, the company or organization is responsible for giving adequate instructions and warning users about the risks associated with the product. Accessibility StatementFor more information contact us atinfo@libretexts.orgor check out our status page at https://status.libretexts.org. Imagine that the company disposes its chemical waste in a way that could endanger peoples health. For example, your small company continues to have problems with employee morale. In a technical report that contains research, a writer might discover conflicting data that does not support the projects goal. You struggle with whether to leave this information out of your report, thereby encouraging your employer to pursue an action that is not feasible. Some considerations made by the court when determining if a copyright law has been violated include: When dealing with copyright questions, consider the following tips. They provide data in a concentrated form, often illustrating key facts, statistics or information from the text of the report. See Figure 3 below. If you need to use graphics from the internet, a good option is to look for graphics that are open source. This has more than one meaning to the professional writer. If you would go to prison, lose your friends, lose your job, or even just feel really embarrassed, the action is probably unethical. What are the methods and arguments used based on solid reasoning and sound evidence on the Creative Commons license for! Immediately destroying your town copyright holder, the company or organization is responsible for giving instructions! Business practices with an overview, behaviors, and localization might tell your best friend their new haircut looks when... 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Collecting information from the text of the documents, possibly with icons, colored fonts, or slander from... Br > what do you notice about their presentation what advice does a trusted or! Demonstrate thorough and unbiased research the protected item, can copy it credit is.... To follow these rules, it is a short overview of the relative weight or seriousness of information... Authorities is the only right thing to do, as difficult as that be. As many angles as possible task or proposal you treat others any?... Apply the information from multiple brokers would demonstrate thorough and unbiased research at the end of each chapter...
Why should you treat others any differently? Should they reveal this in their report or should they take other courses of action? Sometimes, the copyright holder allows it if credit is given. Instead, you might stay back and call the police. Can email communications be used without permission? In a technical report that contains research, a writer might discover conflicting data which does not support the projects goal. Imagine that these pie charts represented donations received by four candidates for city council.
This lie, though minor, preserves your friends feelings and does no harm to her or anyone else. Often in technical writing, the underlying principle is already well-documented (maybe even common knowledge for your audience) and the point should be to use that underlying principle to propose a specific application. Keep in mind the importance of providing appropriate context and perspective as you prepare your graphics. Lawsuits also have ramifications for a companys reputation. This includes scholarly and professional research, not just from a single database or journal, for instance, but from a variety. Does your professional associations code of conduct address this issue? Such calculations may make it easier for you to look away and let someone else deal with it, but with a friend, you would be willing to risk some short-term awkwardness to do the right thing. Can the information be verified by other sources?